The Beehive After-School Program

The Beehive After-School Program in Marysville is buzzing with activity and fun for kiddos to enjoy! Our Beehive staff provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere, bringing their experience, enthusiasm, and creativity to the program. All children are made to feel welcome and are celebrated for who they are.  A nutritious snack is provided plus plenty of play opportunities of the child’s choosing. We have special days, story time and tellers, as well as art and musical offerings.

Beehive is always on the lookout for ways to have fun both inside and out! We are a vibrant little community that meets in the light-filled library. We have a very active waitlist and encourage folks to contact us if they would like more information. Beehive, a good place to ‘bee’!

Contact us for more information:
(250) 427-8780

Bc Ministry of Education
BC Ministry of Justice
Canadian Women’s Foundation
Columbia Basin Trust
Interior Health
Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies