Social Services Programs

Stopping the Violence Counselling

Stopping the violence counselling is available to self-identified women who have experienced trauma resulting from intimate partner violence, sexualized assault/abuse, and/or childhood abuse. STV counselling is rooted in a feminist and trauma informed perspective. Individual and group counselling options are available. We work to meet women where they are at, using a strength based, survivor led approach. You must be 19 or older to access this service.

Contact us for more information:

(250) 489-3114

Community Based Victim Services

Community Based Victim Services

Community Based Victim Services (CBVS) offers practical and emotional support to individuals who have experienced gender-based or power-based crimes, including intimate partner violence, sexualized assault/abuse, and criminal harassment/stalking. The program can also provide services to those who have witnessed family violence. CBVS can provide individuals with access to information about support options and assistance in accessing emotional, financial, or other practical supports. 

CBVS can also provide information about reporting options and the criminal justice system, and assist with court preparation, court accompaniment, and other supports to help individuals who have experienced gender-based violence navigate criminal court as a witness.  There is no requirement for police involvement to access the program, and there are no age or gender restrictions.  Survivors can refer themselves by contacting Summit Community Services Society and dialling the extension for CBVS.

Contact us for more information:

(250) 489-3114 ext. 241

Police Based Victim Services Program

This program is mandated to provide justice-related services 24/7, 365 days a year. These services include, but are not limited to, crisis response, emotional and practical support, court support, information, and referrals to victims of all types of crime and serious trauma who may or may not have reported the crime to police.

Contact us for more information:

(250) 417-4225

Stopping the Violence Women’s Outreach

Stopping the Violence Women’s Outreach is a community-based women’s program that supports self-identified women experiencing intimate partner violence, sexualized assault/abuse, and/or childhood abuse. Clients are self-referred or may be referred by various agencies in the community. Support provided may include lay counselling, grief and loss support, and referral to other community services.

Contact us for more information:

1- 250-908-7039

Seniors Helping Seniors

This volunteer-based program offers friendly visits, caregiver and peer support, and transportation to seniors who may be isolated and without social networks. Seniors Helping Seniors welcomes seniors in the Kimberley and surrounding rural area to access services.

Contact us for more information:

(250) 427-8733

One-Stop Information Line

This program offers up-to-date phone referrals to local programs and services that assist seniors.

Contact us for more information:

(250) 427-4200

Men’s Group

This group provides an opportunity for men to get together, hold each other accountable, and be authentic. Men come to the group with a myriad of issues they would like to address, including anger issues, relationship issues, addiction and/or mental health issues, or to stay grounded in their lives. Almost all of the men that attend find great benefit in the therapeutic environment provided in the Men’s Group, along with a close-knit camaraderie. This program is funded through community partnerships and is free for individuals that identify as male.

Contact us for more information:

(250) 919-7775

United Way – Better at Home


Better at Home (BH) is a program that helps seniors live in their own homes by providing simple non-medical support services such as,

  • friendly visiting
  • light housekeeping
  • light yard work
  • minor home repairs
  • snow removal
  • grocery shopping
  • prepared meal services
  • prescription pickup/delivery
  • transportation
  • group activities
  • other services

These services are available to all seniors living within the Kimberley catchment area.

Contact us for more information or


Bc Ministry of Education
BC Ministry of Justice
Canadian Women’s Foundation
Columbia Basin Trust
Interior Health
Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies